Miami Film Festival


Documentary Chronicles The Life Of A Family That Fled Violence In Honduras

Paper Children —an hour-long documentary that chronicles the life of four siblings that fled gang violence in Honduras, and emigrated to the United States in hopes of attaining political asylum—is streaming for free on Youtube. Filmmaker Alexandra Codina’s documentary premiered at the 37th annual Miami Film Festival on March… Read the rest at our website.

Miami Film Festival Announces Call For Entries For It’s 38th Annual Edition

Filmmakers, get ready—the Miami Film Festival is accepting submissions for its 38th annual edition.  The festival announced its call for entries via a press release on June 1. It also made temporary changes to its submissions’ eligibility criteria because of the coronavirus.  It will run from March 5-14 of… Read the rest at our website.

Coronavirus Couldn’t Cancel This; Miami Film Festival Awards Thousands Of Dollars To Filmmakers

Despite being cut short due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Miami Film Festival still doled out $150,000 in cash prizes to filmmakers who entered in the festival’s competitions.   Three awards were announced during the festival’s run—the Oolite Arts Miami Film Festival Poster Design Award, the Oolite Arts Miami Film… Read the rest at our website.