
Seasoned Reporter To Teach New Course

Veteran Miami Herald reporter Trenton Daniel will be teaching journalism at Miami Dade College’s InterAmerican Campus this summer.

Daniel will be teaching Basic Reporting (JOU 1100). The 12-week course, which is scheduled to start on May 9, has never been taught at the InterAmerican Campus.

“The goal is for students to learn from one another as much as I learn from them,” Daniel said via email. “I hope we can have an open conversation about the profession of journalism— the rewards and challenges, its importance, shortcomings and future.”

Daniel, a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Journalism, began working at the Miami Herald in 2000. He currently works with a team of reporters covering Haiti. He previously worked for Reuters News Service reporting from countries like Iraq and Nigeria.

The InterAmerican Campus is attempting to grow its journalism program. This spring, the campus offered its first journalism course—Intro to Journalism.

“Miami is one of the best cities for news,” said Michaela Tomova, the department chair of Communications, Arts, and Philosophy Department at Miami Dade College’s InterAmerican. “We hope that this program will grow with it.”

Daniel said he is eager to pass along his experience. He has wanted to teach a journalism for a long time.

“In college, I tutored high school students in a creative writing program,” Daniel said. “I enjoyed the experience because it was an opportunity for students and professors to introduce, shape, and refine ideas in a collegial setting. I hope we can do the same in the MDC journalism course.”