
Quantum Computers—A New Age

During recent years, a new type of computer has been intensely studied and developed: the quantum computer. Although they are currently only used in large corporations and universities, quantum computers will likely replace our everyday computer. As such, it is beneficial to understand how a quantum computer works and why it could be so much better than the computers we have now.

Let’s begin by describing how quantum computers work. Classical computers use bits to store information. Each bit can have the value of either one or zero. Quantum computers use qubits to store information, and each qubit can be a one and zero at the same time. This ability relies on physical phenomena known as superposition, which means that each qubit is in both states (one or zero) until the qubit is “measured” to either be a one or a zero. Using this principle, these machines can complete highly complex tasks in a much shorter time frame than normal computers and supercomputers.

Obviously, this technology is very powerful, but how useful will they be in the future? There are many ways. One is artificial intelligence. Quantum computers can handle much more information at the same time than traditional computers. Computers will be able to use “machine learning,” which would advance artificial intelligence more than ever.

Quantum computers will also benefit optimization, the maximizing of pros and/or the minimizing of cons. In any situation, we want to know what option will give us the best value for our money or reduce the cost of a project. Even if there is an enormous number of variables, quantum computers will be able to easily handle all the factors and give the best solution. Radiotherapy is one area where optimization could be extremely beneficial. The goal of radiotherapy is to cure diseases by avoiding as much collateral damage as possible. In any patient, there are usually too many variables for a traditional computer to handle.

These computers will also be used to understand protein folding, which is the natural process proteins go through to gain its shape. This can be used to develop powerful new drugs that can be more effective with minimal side effects. Quantum computers could eventually be widely used in the medical field to develop medical plans for almost any patient.

Clearly, the field of quantum computers is promising. It will likely take years of research to fully comprehend how quantum computers work. However, it’s possible quantum computers will change the way the world works.