
Why I’m Proud To Say I Love Math

For the 10% (hopefully more) of you who are still with me after that title, I hope I can explain my perspective on math. While most are afraid of algebra, geometry and calculus, I embrace the mathematical world with arms wide open. For me, math is one of the most fascinating topics that I enjoy thinking about.

Many people say English is the global language. I disagree. I like to think it’s math. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a trip. Pick any city outside of the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Now walk up to a stranger and start speaking to that person in English. Will he/she understand you?

Now walk up to that same person and show him/her a piece of paper with “2 + 2 =” written on it and a pencil. I’m willing to bet anything that they’ll write “4” at the end. Math is universal. No matter where you go, there’s no fighting the numbers. 2 + 2 will always be 4.

For me, that is fascinating. Because of this simple principle, the laws of the universe apply the same way all over the world. English speaking scientists and engineers can communicate with their non-English speaking colleagues without ever saying a word, but by simply using numbers, variables and equations.

Math is everywhere. You have already heard about the usual topics like engineering, chemistry and physics. But without math, those subjects would probably not exist because most of the principles and laws rely on mathematics to be explained properly. Math, like any of the sciences, helps us explain our surroundings. Math represents the universe so well that some, including me, debate whether math is a human creation or something natural that humans merely discovered. I know, I know, sounds a bit nerdy, but it’s an interesting topic to think about, especially considering how well mathematics model the universe.

Math is fun. Every time I went to math class, there was something new to learn. I don’t know about you, but after a few classes on the author’s purpose and metaphors, I got sick of English. History? Come on, none of them are alive anymore. Math and science? Relevant principles that apply every day in life? That’s more like it. I get that most don’t see so much joy in math class, but at least your brain is getting a good workout.

Do you love math yet? If you didn’t before, chances are nothing has changed, but hopefully you gained some insight into the mind of someone who is deeply intrigued by the world of mathematics. Like the mathematician Edsger Dijkstra said, “there should be no such thing as boring mathematics.”