
Helpful Tips For Finding A Job Or Internship

As summer arrives,  many students will seek out a job or internship. Here are some helpful tips to ensure success.  

List in extreme detail what you want and communicate this to your network and hiring managers as the opportunities arise. Also avoid phrases like, “I need a summer job,” and be more specific. For instance, “I am a nursing major and looking for a part-time job at Baptist Hospital to become familiar with nursing work culture,” or, “I am a business major and looking to get a part-time job in finance to learn business strategies firsthand from superiors and coworkers.”

Also, make sure you apply to at least 25 jobs per day as well. Search for jobs in areas that you commonly frequent, such as near your home or school.

Third, remember to be on your best interview behavior.. Arrive 10 minutes early, deliver a firm handshake, make eye contact, smile, use a blue or black pen, and carry a folder to store your resumé, employment verification list, and other show-and-tell items.

Fourth, don’t overlook miscellaneous details. Research what the business sells and its customer reviews but avoid bringing in a milkshake and Wendy’s bag to your interview. Bottled water, appropriate and comfortable shoes, an umbrella, and a contact number will do just fine.  

Set your cell phone to silent before entering the establishment.

Visible-tattoos? Ask about their policy regarding piercings on the face and tattoos.

Fifth, do not be shy. Ask who is the ideal candidate, how you compare to other candidates, and about reservations they have about you. Inquire about workplace culture, policy on requesting days off (to study for finals), parking availability, and other issues of concern.

Sixth, worried about the conflict between profitability and morale? Visit and other sites to gauge workplace morale. Google “10K filing + name of company” to determine profitability. Further, be certain you don’t get hired by a business currently under Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or 11.

Seventh, avoid cons. Florida an American con-artists capital. If a place asks for your money or  brags about how many resources they have and how charitable they are, then stay away.

People who are truly successful don’t brag.

Eight, maintain documents that include information relating to where you have applied, whom you spoke with, what materials were turned in, and the dates of second interviews. This helps avoid confusion.

Ninth, absolutely remember that Florida is an at-will employment state. Request everything important in writing to ensure a clear understanding regarding wages and expectations or duties.

Finally, here are three simple questions from an article on that are definitely worth sharing: “What are the biggest short- and long-term issues I would need to focus on in this position?”, “What would I need to focus on differently than the previous person in this position?”, and “What organizational issues should I be aware of?”

Hopefully these tips help your job search. Enjoy your summer.