
Evil Often Doesn’t Result From The Actions Of Evil People

Evil is caused not by malevolence, but by ignorance, fear, and pressure.

People like Hitler, Stalin, and Bin Ladin are individuals who can readily be pointed out as sinister, but it is important to analyze the people who got them to those positions of power.

During World War II, not all Germans were anti-semitic, murderous people. On the contrary, most of them were desperate and impoverished leading up to the war after being crushed during the first world war, so when Hitler rose promising and granting prosperity, the people could not resist following him.

Under a modern context, “I am not paid to think” is a common saying among employees in government-related fields, such as the military or Central Intelligence Agency. Even if these workers are doing something they feel is wrong, they will continue at it because not doing so means being fired.

Injustice occurs because people are usually concerned with their well being more than that of others. It is difficult to act ethically if it risks sacrificing economic stability, social acceptance, or physical health.

Yes, this does not excuse wrongdoings from happening, but it is an analysis worth making. Particularly now, cynicism seems more prevalent than it did several decades ago. It is easy to dismiss the world as an unfortunate place, but it really is not as dark as people think upon examining the driving factors behind people’s action.

Having said this, it evidently takes courage and passion to act virtuously.

It is important to ask of one’s self: “Do I want to be just a person, or a just person?” This challenges people to consider whether they have the strength to break away from the norm to pursue justice.

Without extraordinary individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr., Susan Anthony, and Ghandi, people would not enjoy the civil liberties of today. Even controversial figures like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning are exemplary of people who overstepped their legal boundaries to counteract what they felt was wrong.

Everyone has the option of living their lives as routine followers or purposeful individuals. Living ethically is challenging, no one is ever too small to make a difference.

If one is ever put in morally questionable circumstances, it is important to consider the negative implications in not pursuing the personal moral compass.