
My Dog Changed My Life

Two years ago I decided to leave my family and friends behind in Colombia to move to Miami. When I moved to this country, I had to face new cultures, languages, lifestyles and loneliness.

I had my friends and boyfriend who were there for me when I needed them, but they just couldn’t be there 24 hours a day to make sure I wasn’t feeling sad or anxious. When I talked to my mom about my anxiety and my solitude, she made me realize that I’ve always wanted a pet. I was skeptical about the idea because I thought I wasn’t going to have enough time to care for a pet. However, my boyfriend convinced me that it would be a good idea.

I went to the Miami-Dade Animal Shelter and saw a group of delighted puppies that were waiting to be adopted. Among the puppies, by the corner of a crate, there was a two-month-old brown one that looked scared. When I talked to the shelter staff to find out more about him, they told me that his previous owner had abused him and his mom. I suddenly felt the need to help him. I felt a strong connection with him because he was vulnerable.

In a matter of seconds, without even thinking, I swiped my card and my whole world changed. I was now a dog owner.

I remember thinking to myself, what have I gotten myself into? When I got Milo I thought I was helping him out and giving him a better life, but I soon realized that he was doing the exact same thing for me.

Milo came into my life at the perfect time. It was a time when I wasn’t motivated to do anything and felt very depressed. It was good for me to know that now I have somebody else to take care of and be motivated for.

Milo taught me patience. When I get home after a long day and I find that he has chewed on my shoes, underwear, pillows and even the garbage, I understand that those things are material and that I need to teach him a new lesson instead of becoming frustrated.

He also loves me unconditionally, wants me to play with him all day and wants to see me at my best. Milo made me become more responsible in every aspect of my life. I know he needs my attention as well as I need his. Now, when I go out with friends, I can’t stop thinking about him and about getting home early so he won’t be home alone for too long.

I teach him to deal with his anxiety and fear toward people just like he teaches me that even if my life is a mess, I can have the confidence to not worry and overcome the negativity.