
Same Sex Marriage Threatens Our Traditional Values

Both marriage and homosexuality have been around for decades, yet no one considered redefining marriage before. It is only recently that the GLBT has managed to alter people’s minds with propaganda television, emotion-based arguments, and bullying through words like hate and bigotry.

What rights do I have that a homosexual does not have? None. Homosexuals who demand marriage rights are pleading for “special” rights based on a behavior.

Does a sexual preference have enough merit to change a law? Can anyone else say, “It’s in my genes, so the law must change.” Absolutely not, so why is marriage being redefined based on a sexual behavior? Gay marriage is not about children or society; it is only about selfish coupling and pleasure.

Ask yourself, “Why is government so concerned with marriage, a private institution, when it does not care what citizens do in private?” The answer: Traditional marriage conveys benefits on society by ensuring continued survival and growth; something that gay marriage can never provide.

Yes, there are married couples who cannot or will not conceive, but they still meet the definition, principal, and have the biological ingredients to do so.

A gay marriage cannot conceive in principal, and always necessitates a third party of the opposite sex. Is this something to celebrate? Think about your two parents and the role they played in your life. Neither is disposable.

If “love” is the only criteria for getting married, don’t you think that other kinds of love also have the same right?

Currently in our courts, there are dozens of cases where trans-generational, polyamorous, and close relatives are also fighting for their rights to marry because their love is as real as anyone else’s. Are we ready to grant loving consenting adults marriage no matter how unsettling their loving relationship are?

You will never find a human that did not have heterosexual origins.

We can choose to deny the obvious, but homosexuality is not a norm and never will be.

To open marriage to anything other than a man and woman, is to devalue the institution in the same way that printing paper money devalues the dollar. When marriage devalues to that extreme and there is no incentive to get married, society will fall apart.

Defending traditional marriage is the most rational and moral thing one can do.