
Donald Trump Can Put America Back On Top

Despite Republicans being the least popular candidates for the presidency today, businessman Donald Trump has shot up to being a Presidential front runner for 2016.

His acute style of communicating irritates some and pleases others especially the media. Although some assume Trump’s ideologies are irrational, there are many who agree that he can indeed “make America great again.”

That is because despite his overly audible larynx, Donald Trump has tangible solutions to problems our nation has failed to successfully resolvesolutions to important problems our nation faces on immigration and international affairs.

Would the topic of immigration be as controversial during the upcoming presidential election if it wasn’t for Donald Trump?

There will never be a solution to immigration where every person is satisfied. Building a strong physical barrier along the Mexican-American border will be beneficial to both America and Mexico.

According to The American Civil Liberties Union, border deaths have increased despite fewer unauthorized crossings. An estimated 5,600 migrants have died since 1994 attempting to cross the Mexican-American Border. This has become a humanitarian issue that needs solutions to eliminate the rising deaths that occur from illegal border crossing.

It’s refreshing to know there is at least one presidential candidate who’s not funded by large corporations. Nearly all presidential candidates have been funded by multibillion dollar industries who exclusively look out for their personal and business interest.

With our government constantly being controlled by “the one percent,” our trust should not be lended to yet another politician who’s constantly being manipulated by the wealthy. Consequently, the rich continue to get richer, while the poor continue to live paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet.

Trump is a strong supporter of American economic growth by eliminating unnecessary business ties with other countries such as China, whose corporations escape our nation’s labor laws to increase profit.

Electing an aggressive business mogul as president instead of a politician during our economic recovery could benefit our nation. Although ex-mayor multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg was disliked by many New Yorkers, he made significant contributions to New York City during his time in office. Similarly, Trump has a chance to make more than needed contributions to our nation.

With outstanding national debt, the time to elect a president with extensive business experience is now.

If America continues to decipher what Trump is trying to accomplish, it could see that the media—which is controlled by the same corporations who contribute to Trump’s competitors— is focusing on his attitude more than his contributions and goals.

Like Kanye West, perhaps Donald Trump is too ahead of his time for our nation to appreciate the changes he’s trying to accomplish on immigration and international affairs. Could days arrive when America realizes we needed him more than we thought?

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