
What Can You Do To Resist Trump’s Agenda?

Trump’s political agenda illustration by Jonathan Munoz.

I know the election of Donald Trump to the office of president of the United States has left many of you with the urgent need to step up to the plate and try to stop him.  

Through any means at your disposal, put obstacles in his path. If you, like myself, are tired of merely airing out your grievances with the current state of affairs and actually want to enact real change, I have a few ways you can do that.

After the Miami Women’s Rally in Bayfront Park, I attended an informational meeting on how to effectively deter Trump’s political agenda based on a pamphlet released by former congressional staffers called the Indivisible Guide.

Making phone calls and sending emails and letters to your senators and representatives may seem ineffective to you. But as a constituent, these government officials are obligated to listen to you, especially if they want to be reelected.

Remember, each representative is up for reelection every two years and each senator every six years. So organize a group of people to flood your senator’s voicemail all at once about a specific issue you’re interested in.

Visiting your senator’s local office is another way to get your point across. Go in and request a sit-down meeting with your senator or representative to speak to them about the issue, and if they deny you, take it to social media to report their refusal to the world.

Remember, though, you must be a verified constituent of the district for representatives, and of the state for senators, if you want to visit their offices.They won’t care about the complaints of someone who isn’t a registered constituent in their area.

Another effective tactic would be to attend a local town hall meeting and ask your congressman hard-hitting questions about the topic you’re advocating for. Town hall meetings are hosted in your district by congressmen and are free to attend. It’s an opportunity for them to show that they are listening to their constituents as well as keeping them up to date on the goings-on of Washington D.C.

Before you step up, make sure you are well versed on the issue you will be speaking about. You don’t want to ask about how your representative or senator will vote on a specific legislation without knowing what exactly the bill entails.

It doesn’t even have to be an official meeting, members of Congress love to go to their home states to shake hands and kiss babies. Take advantage of the press’ watchful eye to confront your congressman about his stance on repealing universal health care.  

If you want to learn more about how to resist Trump’s agenda, visit and download the free guide.

With a Republican house and senate, Trump will have every opportunity to get his racist, xenophobic and downright disgusting legislation across. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of history on this. Organize and get to work.